Directions and Storage Instruction



For Influenza virus and Norovirus infection prevention, refill into a designated bottle without diluting. Spray an adequate amount of Long Life HClO Water directly to the atmosphere, objects, and hands. To dry, use a clean towel or leave it to air-dry. For deodorization, a diluted solution to 100ppm may be used. For the usage of mist humidifier,  dilute the solution to a concentration that is prescribed by each device.

Storage Instructions

The tank itself may be preserved for five years if stored at room temperature (between 1 to 30°C) and dark place.
Once the tank is unsealed, the tank must be stored in a cool and dark place to preserve for a long time.
The expiry of the refilled bottle may not be preserved for a long time, however, if sealed tightly and stored in the refrigerator, it may be used for approximately a year with reassurance.
Checking the efficiency of chloride concentration regularly or before usage with "High range free chlorine test strips" is recommended after this product is unsealed or refilled.

For more information about the change
in concentrations of hypochlorous acid over time,

Warnings when using this product

    Do not swallow.
    Do not apply on precision machines.
    In rare cases, colors may fade depending on the materials used in fabrics.
    Discontinue use if irritation or rash appears on the skin.
    Rinse eyes immediately, in case the product contacts eyes.
    This is not a pharmaceutical product.